

Reproductions are available in the following options

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Shoemaker Judaica painting is available as a reproduction on canvas and metal in 2 options: limited and open edition.

– Limited edition on canvas comes hand embellished, framed, numbered and signed by Alex Levin. This edition is limited to only 25 signed prints that ever will be published. This makes it more unique and collectable. Once that specific print run sells out, there will be no other editions of that image made by the artist.
– Open edition available on canvas or metal. Canvas comes fully framed and has a traditional, classic look. Metal edition made from high-quality aluminum. It has a modern and contemporary look. Reflects light and enhances the colors in the artwork.

Each open and limited edition reproduction on canvas is Ready-to-hang wall art. What does it mean? The artwork is stretched and fully framed and ready for hanging on the wall. Each reproduction is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity, ensuring that you receive an original and authentic piece of art.

Please see more information regarding the limited and open edition reproductions HERE
Contact me about This Painting

This whimsical Jewish painting shows children watching a shoemaker in Europe. Busy at work, the elderly shoemaker draws the attention of the children who look at him in awe. You can see that the oldest boy is missing a shoe and can se that he’s come to the shoemaker to either get a new shoe made or fix his hold shoe. The bright blue sky peaks through the busy European buildings and cobblestoned road to show a slice of life from Jewish times past. The bright sun of the day shines even down this path, as you can see the children lit by beams of light that light the face of the shoemaker as well as he uses the light of day to craft the boy’s shoes.

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