Contemporary Jerusalem, Jewish and Judaica Original Oil on Canvas paintings

lubavitcher rebbe
Original Oil Painting: Lubavitcher Rebbe - The Soul of Hasidism
Lubavitcher Rebbe abstract painting
Original Oil Painting: The Lubavitcher Rebbe in Prayer - Light of the Torah
lubavitcher rebbe portrait
Original Oil Painting: Colors of Wisdom - The Lubavitcher Rebbes Path of Faith
The Lubavitcher Rebbe modern painting
Original Oil Painting: The Lubavitcher Rebbe - A Figure of Light and Energy
Lubavitcher Rebbe modern painting
Original Oil Painting: Lubavitcher Rebbe - Sacred Brilliance
Lubavitcher Rebbe abstract painting
Original Oil Painting: Lubavitcher Rebbe Energy of Light
modern painting of kotel
Original Oil Painting: The Light of the Messiah over Jerusalem
abstract kotel painting
Original Oil Painting: The Light of the Torah and the Western Wall
abstract kotel painting
Original Oil Painting: Golden Wall of Eternity
modern jerusalem painting
Original Oil Painting: Jerusalem's Radiance
Holy Sepulchre
Original Oil Painting: Radiance of the Holy Sepulchre
klezmer painting
Original Oil Painting: Klezmer Melodies - Song of the Shtetl
Klezmers jewish musicians
Original Oil Painting: Klezmer Musicians in the Shtetl
modern jerusalem painting
Original Oil Painting: Journey through Time - Jerusalem's Heartbeat
jerusalem city walls
Original Oil Painting: Gateway to Our Roots – Ascending Home
Rachels Prayer for Israeli Soldiers
Original Oil Painting: Rachel's Prayer - Light and Hope for Israeli Soldiers
modern painting of jerusalem
Original Oil Painting: Jerusalem Elegy – Tablets of the Covenant and the Spirit of the Jews
modern painting of kotel
Original Oil Painting: The Oratory of Light and Faith
modern jerusalem painting
Original Oil Painting: The Path of Light - David’s Tower in the Morning Prayer of Jerusalem
Original Oil Painting: Radiance of Prayer
tefillin art
Original Oil Painting: The Energy of Faith - Mystical Tefillin
Original Oil Painting: The Light of Jewish Faith - Tefillin
David Tower painting
Original Oil Painting: The Tower of David and the Magical Scrolls of the Dead Sea
painting of putting tefillin
Original Oil Painting: Traditions of Eternity

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