Jewish Life and Judaica Oil Paintings

Jewish paintings are not only a visual expression of Jewish identity, but they also serve as a means to explore and understand the complexities of Jewish history, culture, and spirituality. Through these paintings I’m trying to capture the essence of the Jewish experience, giving voice to the hopes, fears, and aspirations of their people.

The Lubavitcher Rebbe modern painting
Original Oil Painting: The Lubavitcher Rebbe - A Figure of Light and Energy
painting of Moses
Original Oil Painting: Abraham - Path to the Promised Land
painting of Tzfat
Original Oil Painting: Street of Tzfat - Safed
safed tzfat painting
Original Oil Painting: Tzfat - Safed
Sea of Galilee picture
Original Oil Painting: Sunset Encounter at Golan Heights with a View of the Sea of Galilee
shtetl painting
Original Oil Painting: Shtetl of Narowlya Memories: Grandfather, Grandchildren, and a Rainy Day
Lubavitcher Rebbe
Original Oil Painting: The Lubavitcher Rebbe - Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson
Jewish traditions
Original Oil Painting: Legacy of Jewish Traditions
judaica painting
Original Oil Painting: Light in Dark times
Esther and Ahasuerus
Original Oil Painting: Esther and King Ahasuerus
Jewish learning painting
Original Oil Painting: Lessons of Faith
Jewish painting
Original Oil Painting: Light of Generations
Painting of Abraham
Original Oil Painting: The gaze of Abraham into infinity
Portrait of a jewish man by the temple
Original Oil Painting: The Gaze Across Centuries
jewish painting
Original Oil Painting: An Afternoon in the Shtetls Hebrew School
jewish painting
Original Oil Painting: Lesson in the Hebrew school in shtetl
jewish painting
Original Oil Painting: A grandfather and his grandchildren in Study
cheider in shtetl
Original Oil Painting: Studying Traditions in the Hebrew School in shtetl
Jewish shtetl painting
Original Oil Painting: Torah lesson in shtetl
Reading the Scroll of Esther
Original Oil Painting: Reading the Scroll of Esther
Torah reading painting
Original Oil Painting: The Light of my life
mea shearim painting
Original Oil Painting: The Life of the Ultra Orthodox District of Jerusalem, Mea Shearim
Man praying in Jerusalem
Original Oil Painting: Wisdom of the Jewish eyes
Women lighting Shabbat candles
Original Oil Painting: Woman lighting Shabbat Candles in Shtetl

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