painting about time
Original Oil Painting: Meditation of Time
painting about birth
Original Oil Painting: Eternal Rebirth
painting about birth
Original Oil Painting: Life begins with an egg
painting of red shoes
Original Oil Painting: Azure Dreams, feminine beauty at the shores of Tel Aviv
painting about life and hope
Original Oil Painting: The Revival of Hope
jelly fishes painting
Original Oil Painting: Red Sea Marine Symphony
Painting about chess
Original Oil Painting: You cant make an omelet without breaking eggs
painting about Ukraine
Original Oil Painting: Formation of the New Nation
Renaissance Surrealism painting
Original Oil Painting: Coral Woman
modern Renaissance painting
Original Oil Painting: Еnjoy life it is so fleeting
renaissance painting
Original Oil Painting: Flora
painting about time
Original Oil Painting: Man proposes God disposes
surrealism nude painting
Original Oil Painting: Be Conscious of Your Time
Painting about time life
Original Oil Painting: While I breathe, I hope
nude paintings
Original Oil Painting: Eternal beauty and harmony
red shoes painting
Original Oil Painting: Old Jaffa Port
painting of soldiers boots
Original Oil Painting: View to Golan Heights
abstract jewish painting
Original Oil Painting: We lived and established and reached this time
nude surrealism painting
Original Oil Painting: Be careful with your time
praying hands picture
Original Oil Painting: Exodus

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